Robin Hood

Robin Hood
Serenbe Playhouse
through August 13, 2017

Serenbe Playhouse is an outdoor theatre company which produces many very original shows in various areas around the village located in the Palmetto – Chattahoochee Hills area off 85 south of town.

You read about, or watched, Robin Hood in various media and adaptations; but this is quite different. Jordan Patrick is the title character and his side-kick, Little John is played by Brady Dunn. A lot of the action is on zip lines as RobinHood, Little John and the Captain of the Guard (Madison Welch) fly from one area in Sherwood Forest to another.

The nasty Sheriff of Nottingham is Kenny Tran, and he is a model for many current day politicians, who have adopted the creed of In Greed we Trust. Kendra Johnson as Scarlet and Casey Shuler as Maid Marian round out the cast.

Paul McGill directed this unusual one-act production which features original music by John Burke. There are some great fight scenes and the archery contest is right out of circus side-show style. The youngsters especially enjoy it as they sit up front on the ground covers and can almost touch the actors.

Keep in mind that all performances run about 50 minutes and are rain-or-shine, so check the weather, wear appropriate clothing and enjoy it. Performances are Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. More info and tickets at